Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Pet Milk"and "HERS"

Pet Milk
I read the text and then got kind of confused so I googled the meaning which probably wasn't a good idea and I probably shouldn't even put that on here but its the truth. Anyways, apparently the story was about a young boy who drinks coffee and has back flashes to his life and the things he did. I did however life the idea of the story how he kind of transfers back and to the past and then to the present. So although we can come to the conclusion that I'm awful and understanding what I'm reading, I still thought it was a good story.

At the beginning of the blog I could relate so well, I always hear people talking about their ancestors and going into huge detail on their background and I kind of just sit there and think the exact same things to myself as the person in the story. I know I was born in Germany, I have Irish and Scottish blood, some polish and some other mix of things but that's about as deep as my knowledge goes. Yet, after reading more of the text, I got a little lost as to what exactly it was that I was reading so a class discussion probably would've helped.

Making New Friends!

So, at first I had a really hard time with making friends and finding my little piece of happiness at WMU. I met a group of people through ROTC and I've come to realize that those people are no longer just friends, but that within the past 4 weeks, they've become like a second family to me. For once in a long time, I feel extremely happy with my group of friends and the things we do. At first I felt like it would be really hard to find friends that aren't all about drinking and partying, but soon I realized that not every one is "about that life" and I found some pretty great people to spend my weekends with and I have a blast doing so.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Monday Post. 9/12/2014

What did you learn in class this week and/r what did you find interesting?

In class this week I learned that when you read a passage, you sometimes don't quite get what it actually says. For example; reading the story we were assigned last week.. I read it and didn't quite understand it the way I was supposed to. First of all, I was under the impressing that the main character was a girl not a boy. Then when we had the class discussion about the story and what points it brought across etc. I realized that I need to start paying more attention to what I am reading because I most definitely did not receive the same message. Something I found interesting was seeing how the different ideas of people came together to form an idea as a whole, we all shared our thoughts and came up with new options. Next week, I should probably work on being more into discussion and sharing my thoughts to what we are doing.

Friday, September 12, 2014

All about me

My name is Raechel Marie McCormick, I was born and raised in Germany and currently, like the rest of you.. attend Western Michigan University. For anyone wondering, yes, I do speak fluent German. One of the questions I get asked a lot, is "Where are you from?" That question for me is very hard to answer because since birth I've moved around 50-60 times. Whether it was apartments, buildings, roads, cities, countries, states, provinces.. you name it, I've probably lived in one. A little about myself and what I love to do? I love taking pictures, playing volleyball, cliche long walks on the beach, hiking, traveling, and anything outdoor related. I also recently joint the Army ROTC program here at WMU so if I ever look like I'm lacking sleep.. it's probably because I get up at 5am every morning to work out for 1-2 hours. Anyways, thank you for reading my oh so interesting bio. 
xoxo Raechel