Sunday, October 5, 2014

Giving up my weekends.

Every single week, I get extremely excited for the weekend because I think I'll finally have some time to sit back and relax and just simply not do anything. Lately, I've come to the conclusion that such weekends no longer exist for me. Every Saturday, I get up at 6am to walk to work, then after that I usually have volunteer work, and on sundays I spend the entire day catching up on homework and finishing things that I started late. I feel as though for the next 4 years, my life will solemnly be; ROTC, Homework, work, and repeat.


  1. I know what you mean! I live off campus so I have to drive here three days a week and then I work three days a week. Then on top of that all the homework that I have to fit in there somewhere! I always try to get everything done but it just seems like theres always something to do and I can't just take a day to relax.

    1. Haha, I guess those are the cons of being College students.

  2. Aw, poor Raechel! I'm so proud of all of the things you challenge yourself with and are able to accomplish! I know that I wouldn't be able to accomplish half of the things you do all at once. Although, you've got at least four years of college to go, give yourself a break sometimes! (:
