Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday Post for October 10th

In class today I was probably the least awake, but I did pay attention to what we were talking about and I actually don't mind the analysis discussion that much. I feel like it's a great way to understand the songs better, I honestly sometimes don't even pay attention to what the song is about and I kind of just listen to the beat and sing along to the lyrics without actually listening that what they are saying. So aside from being half awake, it was a good lesson and it makes writing these next papers a lot easier. Also, not to be a teachers pet and I will probably complain about this later, I like the fact that we have to write a paper, I feel like with as much work as it is, it's well deserved on all of our parts and we should probably take note to that and start actually reading what the class assignment was. I honestly find it so hard to read the passages that we are assigned because I tend to put off all of the readings that we have to do. Which is a really bad habit. Aside from that, although it can get a little boring doing all of these analyses, I actually learn a lot more about the messages of the songs and how differently people interpret the songs.

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