Monday, November 17, 2014

"Walking in a Western Wonderland"

Phew, with only one week left to go at school before we leave for thanksgiving and the weather is absolutely crazy. I can honestly say I didn't expect there to be this much snow this soon. I was caught a little off guard when I woke up last Thursday to find the roads covered in that white powdered sugar substance. But aside from the weather, this semester is really starting to kick my behind, I'm falling so behind on a lot of things because all my professors and teachers give so much homework all of a sudden and it's so hard to comprehend. With the weather being as crappy as it is, I would much rather just lay in bed with hot chocolate and go to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel! The only thing that I did not enjoy about Thanksgiving break, was the fact that it was such a teaser of Christmas break! I loved spending a week off of school, but now that finals are over, it is going to be more than awesome to just relax!
